Saturday, April 7, 2007

The War on Tokyo "Rosie" O'Donnell

As another day ends and another day is yet to begin, we are NOW at the abyss of eternal despair. An abyss, that if entered brings us just one day closer to their idea of the final solution! Their idea of how to educate, inform and control the masses! Their idea of a New World Order!

These are the headlines in the news today. These are the headlines that they don’t want you to know about. These are the headlines that contain the truth! These are the headlines that having been reported on have now been buried!

Behind those buried headlines are buried stories. Stories that once you have researched for yourself bring you to no other conclusion than that a corporate global mass conspiracy is being perpetrated upon each and every one of us. Total control over all by only a select few.

The select few that if left to go unchecked will strip an entire planet of its freedom of movement, personal rights and property, and access to it’s natural resources.

We are at a point in America of critical mass, a point where informed individuals outweigh the mighty corporations, where the single truth finally overpowers the masses perceptions, and where “Freedom” victoriously triumphs over “Rights.”

How can we as American’s sit idle while those within the District of Criminals worry only about their own re-elections? Elections continue the status quo and those in power to keep power? An election whose outcome may in fact determine the future for all mankind! How can we be so arrogant to insist our vote does not matter? Our votes count and our voices count now more than ever!

Yet sadly, we are also in a time where it seems we are more worried about keeping our jobs instead of doing our job’s, ----perhaps its just me. What would I know about any of this, am I just the village idiot?

People always demand a proverbial “smoking gun” as information when presenting this type of material, so here is an example of what is a story that they buried and covered up.

Directly out of that potentially Masonic symbol--- That satanic symbol, That 5 pointed star otherwise known as the Pentagon, a story that is not involving ancient information like The Pentagon Papers themselves, it’s 9/11 role or even the most recent Pat Tillman cover-up.

Newly released documents confirm that a Pentagon unit knowingly cooked up intelligence claiming a direct link between Iraq and al-Qaeda in order to win support for a preemptive strike against the country. A report prepared by the Defense Department's Inspector General for Carl Levin, the Democratic Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, explicitly shows how former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith used his defense department position to cook intelligence claiming a connection between the terrorist organization and Saddam Hussein's regime.

The Inspector General's report, "Review of the Pre-Iraqi War Activities of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy," focuses specifically on Feith's intelligence gathering operations in the months prior to the March 2003 invasion. An executive summary of the report was declassified in February. The full report was declassified and released Thursday at Levin's request. Long after the relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida was debunked, Bush continued to insist it existed. On June 17, 2004, in response to the 9/11 Commission report, Bush said "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al-Qaeda [is] because there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda."

Where I am from, that is not called a smoking gun, that’s called a bloody machete!

When there is a story in the news, when we might be paying attention, when all of us don’t care about Anna Nicole, and there is someone inside the looking glass that might not be playing well with everyone else and stirring up trouble, it’s time to get kicked out of the sand box! Notice how Tokyo Rosie only asks that we look outside Mainstream Media to get the facts and get to the truth. Not the truth that the same mainstream media has been refusing to report on after all this time by those who have profited most after the attacks non 9/11 and on the war itself. Defined as Tokyo Rosie now by the mainstream media, I must come to a defense. Weak or Strong, right or wrong, I’ll let you be the judge.

Barbara Walters was a beacon in a world of darkness until she was turned to the dark side. Once one of “US” and a spokesperson for the people she has become one of “THEM”. Now Barbara spends her days counting the cash, owning the show, sitting back having the last laugh as Tokyo Rosie doesn’t have a slice of anything off The View. No wonder Dennis Miller thinks she wants out!
Bernard Goldberg in an interview on Bill O’Riley and FoxNews calls The View viewers some of “the most unsophisticated viewers in America”. Nina May of The Conservative Voice is quoted as calling Rosie O’Donnell as “just 1 taco short of a full combination platter, who insists that 9/11 was an inside job in which George Bush is responsible". Everyone thinks ABC is responsible and should fire her, and that Barbara Walters has lost total control. If either of these points were true, Rosie would be doing stand up in some seedy hotel. But the fact is . . . she is mentioned daily on the nightly news, she is insulted by Donald Trump, analyzed by Bill O’Reilly and dissected by all the other pundits who marvel that she is still standing. DUH . . . she is standing because she has an audience standing slack-jawed at the train wreck that is happening before their eyes hoping to see more.

We all love a train wreck, we tune in to live police chases from across the country on Cable News just to see the crash and arrest. Hundreds of thousands of people cram into arenas to watch NASCAR almost assured of a wreck at some point of the race, and to make it worse, we just paid 50 bucks to see Vince McMahon get a haircut.

Now, if I were to tell you that someone with a bow and arrow REALLY took down the Hindenburg you would show me the film of the Hindenburg Exploding and burning up, you would call upon the survivors and witnesses to tell me what really happened, you would play the audio of the Hindenburg coming in to land in New Jersey as it played live on the radio.----If after all the evidence was shown to me and I still said that the Hindenburg was taken down with a bow and arrow-----NOW YOU CAN CALL ME A KOOK. If still doing this show under the guise of giving you current information while continuing to insist that there is a Hindenburg Cover-Up and wanting to collect a paycheck for it, and you the listeners stopped listening then the powers that be have every right to fire me. To ask that we re-open the 9/11 investigation(s) and to look closely into Tower 7 (A topic by the way, not covered in the 9/11 investigation) and how Tower 7 collapsed due to loneliness and not by professional demolition crews.

Now tied in with the infamous of bad career choices. Tokyo Rosie is now on the list of those who have also gone down a road less traveled. For most who travel that road they are never heard from again. Funny how we vividly remember all of them INFAMOUS as they are including Michael Richards, Sean Penn, Morton Downey Jr., Jane Fonda, and yes even the great Lenny Bruce. To those forgotten in a wash of worthless dribble, I hope their plight was not in vain.

I am in a state of shock that no one else can see thru this shameless cheap ploy by the mainstream media and those who own it to discredit Tokyo Rosie simply by bringing up her weight, sex, and personal failures instead of simply re-affirming what is supposed to be the truth. The truth should never be a topic persona non gratta or NOT up for discussion or debate. Regardless of my opinion or the opinion of others The View is NOT AL-Jazeera West! If you are getting your news from The View that is a whole another discussion! Unless we as a society are now ok with attacking the messenger and not the message, or that style has surpassed substance, and that quantity not quality reigns supreme….
The fact that the BBC reported the collapse of The World Trade Center Tower 7 20 minuets before it collapsed is just a side story and listeners should pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. You don’t see this story on FoxNews OR SkyNews for that matter. Thank you Rupert Murdock.
Perhaps it’s just me. I am sure I am wrong just as usual. HEY! More potentially bad news, Walt Disney and Walt Disney World is now going to allow same-sex marriages to take place within the kingdom all for the low, low price starting at 8000.00 for a package deal. It’s funny because Gonzo and I wondered why the wedding business was so slow! More American families will file for bankruptcy in 2007 than will file for divorce. But again, I am the kook. Don’t listen to me. The economy is just fine. Don’t stop drinking the kool-aid, and don’t put on the tin foil hat!
Ya’ know---When I think Walt Disney I am supposed to think wholesome family, not same sex marriage. Walt Disney is ABC. Keep screaming O’Riley and Heraldo because if you cant be right, you have certainly proven you can both be wrong at the top of your voice!

Yet any voice calling for the truth at this stage of the mass deception being perpetuated upon the public is now involved in hate speech, considered un-American, and should be stripped of what few rights we as Americans have left after The Patriot Acts I & II, after they were shoved down our throats. Makes me almost as anxious as a child on Christmas Eve to see what The Victory Act has in store for us!

YES Virginia there is a conspiracy and YES the Government CAN keep a secret. As countless “authorities” spend hours and hours on mainstream media disinformation shows aired on The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and the Illuminati controlled National Geographic Channel we here those people “de-bunking” for example UFO’s by saying “if we had them, there is no way that a secret that big could be kept for so long. God forbid we forget something so sexy and sultry as Deep-Throat.
William Mark Felt Sr. (born August 17, 1913) was a former agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, who retired in 1973 as the Bureau's number two official. After thirty years of denying his involvement with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Felt revealed himself on May 31, 2005, to be the Watergate scandal whistleblower called "Deep Throat".
Felt worked in several FBI field offices prior to his promotion to the Bureau's Washington headquarters. During the early investigation of the Watergate scandal (1972–74), Felt was the Bureau's Associate Director, the second-ranking post in the FBI. While Associate Director, Felt provided Washington Post reporter Woodward with critical leads on the story that eventually saw the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974. In 1980, Felt was convicted of violating the civil rights of people thought to be associated with the Weather Underground by ordering FBI agents to burglarize their homes. He was ordered to pay a fine but was pardoned by President Ronald Reagan during his appeal. Felt lives in Santa Rosa, California. In 2006, he published an update of his 1979 autobiography.
Only 3 men held this secret for over 30 years. They were Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Ben Bradlee of The Washington Post. The Washington Post by the way is now considered to be America’s favorite fish wrap. Unlike the USA Today, which of course is Americas favorite 4 color fish wrap.

Before we wind up another episode of The New World Order Report----Congratulations are in order to the proud parents of Mary Cheney and her “life-partner” Heather Poe with the birth of their 1st son, Damien. Speculation has been running rampant as to who the actual father was as the child was created via invetro-fertilization. Anonymous sources now confirm the father in fact to be that of Ann Coulter.

I’m Scooter McGee and stay tuned for The Stephanie Miller Show right here on We The People Radio and on LIVE365 and until next time, Good Night and I hope to see you tomorrow!

Unless of course after being abducted by aliens, they decide to let me come home. One can always dream!

1 comment:

Trevor said...

I was listening to the Trevor CAREY sHOW AND HEARD HIM ASKING THE QUESTION, "What if I told you I know a guy with a bow and arrow actually took down the Hindenberg"......