Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Conspiracy Keepers get special attention!

Conspiracy Keepers beat out Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly in April 1st Ratings from Live365!
In the new April ratings posted by Live365, the Conspiracy Keepers have beaten Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly in the time slots when they run against the Conspiracy Keepers on Live365.
Hosts Joe Lanier and Scooter McGee started a weekly 1 hour Podcast in 2005, then joined with the fledgling US Progressive Liberty Airwaves Network (USPLAN) in December, 2006.
Since joining with USPLAN, which became a Pacifica Affiliate in January, 2007, the show now airs, at least once a week on some 41 Pacifica affiliates nation-wide.
Conspiracy Keepers brings you the most explosive, mind blowing, and progressive episodes of radio entertainment; exposing the governments lies and deception anywhere!
The meteoric rise of the show on Live365 has been due, in no small part, to improved post production editing of John M. Curry, the executive producer, since mid-January, and
programming director for USPLAN. Curry has gone out of his way to specifically showcase the broadcasts and the talents of the cast.
Another outstanding improvement has been the increasing of regular cast members to the show.
In addition to the original regulars, Scooter McGee, Joe Lanier, Backlash LaRue, and Velvet Jones; new regular cast members Hope and Faith ad new dimensions and perspectives to the shows of great entertainment and informative value, as does the occasional, surprise guests on the show.
Even though the show format is still in a bit of flux, Conspiracy Keepers has already surpassed over 2000 professionally produced shows and stations broadcasting on Live365. This show promises to become the hidden gem of progressive talk radio by mid-summer as the format comes together more.
The Internet Broadcasting Journal - April 7, 2007

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