Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Possibly The Death Of America?

This is to the listeners of my radio show I am speaking to. When it comes to news, I actually DO take it seriously! This is why while I am uploading the Scooter McGee Show Podcasts

I am afraid that while America is focused on the California wildfires (of whom all victims my prayers personally go out to) the party players within the District of Criminals in Washinton D.C. will openly pass S-2205 and it will only run on the scroll on FoxNews and will never even make the news untill it's too late.

The Dream Act, thought to have already been killed twice, is still alive and well on the New Wolrd Order's surface, who would think that the members of Congress could be so bold?

Senator Reid-----
Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just filed for “cloture” on S. 2205 (the DREAM Act amnesty). In an email to NumbersUSA members Roy Beck said, “Sen. Reid is hell-bent on getting this amnesty through the Senate as fast as possible and before we can fully mobilize the country as happened when we defeated his Comprehensive Amnesty bill in June. “

When does he go on trial for treason, after me for saying something about this?---I BEG EVERYONE who reads this to pick up your phone and at least call the SENATE SWITCHBOARD!

Don't know who to call----here are some suggestions!
Phone Senate Switchboard 202-224-3121

Colorado Residents PLEASE CALL
Sen. Allard 202-224-5941
Sen. Salazar 202-224-5852

Key Senators:
Durbin (Asst. Maj. Leader) -- 202-224-2152
Reid (Maj. Leader)-- 202-224-3542
Shelby (AL)-- 202-224-5744
Hagel (co-sponsor) 202-224-4224
Lugar (co-sponsor) 202-224-4814
Brownback (KS) 202-224-6521
Grassley (IA) 202-224-3744
Lott (MS) 202-224-6253
Cochran (MS) 202-224-5054
Hutchison (TX) 202-224-5922
Byrd (WV) 202-224-3954

You can see all the direct Capitol office phone numbers and the numbers for their offices back home

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