Friday, March 30, 2007

Conspiracy Keepers Marathon on LIVE365

Listen to a WEEKEND Marathon of The Best of The Conspiracy Keepers on LIVE365 for FREE!
Get ready to hear all of the truth that the mainstream media won't tell you about!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

WTC Tower 7 Lonely?

Ready to get on with the 5Th year of the War on Iraq and yet there is more than a "smoking gun" in the corner that needs to be addressed. I have publicly joked about W.T.C. Tower 7 collapsing due to loneliness as no explanation has been given. on my Internet daily radio show "The Conspiracy Keepers" on We The People Radio and on LIVE365

The "Smoking Gun" is the VIDEO from the BBC that reports the collapse of WTC Tower 7 20 minuets before it actually collapsed! PLEASE explain now to all those "Conspiracy-Kooks" who won't go away about no airplane wreckage in front of the Pentagon or the fact that our very own government 1st said that "no-one could ever have imagined this terrible a tragedy" to then discovering that the Pentagon, NORAD and NEADS were conducting military exercises that very day! And we should not debate as to wether or not Osama Bin Ladden worked for the C.I.A.

Don't pay any attention to the bloody machete in the corner when we discuss FEMA and what in the wide wide world of sports they were doing in NYC the day BEFORE 9/11?

I am discussing is an interesting piece of video floating around that needs explanation!

The United States Constitution is in almost complete dis-repair, the Bill of Rights has been tossed out the window along with United States Attorneys that do not "play nice" with the current regime, and America seems more interested in the Anna Nicloe Smith proceedings than the Black Book Madam and her 45 POUNDS of telephone records potentially containing those within the "beltway" with not only no belts on but thier pants down once again.

The Patriot Act seems also again on the topic of discussion if you are "Un-American" and to discuss immigration on any sense of rational discourse and you are deemed potentially racist? Hate speech is a great buzz word to tug at our emotions when at an already hightened state of fear Americans are just about ready to throw out all of our rights if only for just one day of peace.

This is just a few of the many reasons the machette is so bloody and just sitting in the corner.

What concerns me is with all that blood not only being spilled by the good young men and women protecting our "freedom" by serving overseas in the armed forces but those who are bleeding to death once they have returned home and the VA hospitals don't have the basic medical care our brave men and women deserve!

Speaking of band-aids---
The 9/11 Commission Report may also need a band-aid or 2!

Someone call a medic then, because we are at the point of critical mass! What if we let "them" get away with not only the murder of thousands of innocent "civilians" or "humans" and NOT to be confused with "consumers" that our own government wants us to be called, but continue in striping what few rights we as members of The North American Union? What if we continue to allow "them" to let us fight amongst ourselves and not really question the idea that a "secret government" has actually gotten a hold of this great nation of ours and resides within the corporate structure formerly known as The Military Industrial Complex