Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Scooter McGee on KFKA AGAIN?!?!

Scooter McGee heads up to Greeley, Colorado. The destination is KFKA 1310 am studios to promote the show The Conspiracy Keepers with Joe Lanier and you know who! Well not only does Scooter get his "shamless plug" for the shows in, but also makes 2007 predictions about Iran, Hugo Chavez, 4.00 a gallon gasoline, Democrats and the Iraq card, and Russia! He and Trevor Carey, host of The Trevor Carey Show are getting ready to make some special announcements for 2007, NOT just predictions! Sign up now and SUBSCRIBE to The Conspiracy Keepers with Joe Lanier and scooter McGee and never miss the news you need to know again!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Truth in the lies the media spreads?

Joe Lanier & Scooter McGee almost 3 years ago (2003) realized that too many stories "got away" and that the mainstream media somehow would fixate on what would appear to be meaningless. After 9/11 we hear stories of "Conspiracy" and "The New World Order" and yet for no reason whatsoever these stories are quickly dismissed as coming from "Kooks" or "Conspiracy Theorists". From national broadcasters like Art Bell, Alex Jones, and locals like Trevor Carey that were quickly dismissed, discredited, or just simply silenced. Well that was enough for us to start our own "Journey Down The Looking Glass" so to speak, and believe us when we tell you it's going to be an extraordinary journey for all of us!

The Conspiracy Keepers are finally "on-the-air" and after almost 2 full seasons of shows done quietly in "the bunker." We have barely figured out "Podcasting" but the idea is when a story "breaks" we are able to pick up the subtle changes in the story and Scooter McGee is able to see the story unfold often before it does and Joe Lanier with his vast knowledge of the Secret Societies is able to give you the truth behind the lies! Only once we know what is really going on with the Global Elite and the agenda's that they are pushing right under your very noses! We have been doing these podcast's on our own time and our own dime. The opinions expressed in the podcast(s) are considered for MATURE audiences. They are not vulgar nor pornographic however they will start you on a process from which you will be unable to come back from!
Now having said that---- CLICK HERE---- to hear that "They" don't want you to hear!